Sphagetti Aglio Olio….

I’m a big time foodie, but strictly vegetarian !! My husband and I went on a road-trip across Europe in August around his birthday. While we were in Switzerland, Zurich, we had a very bad experience in a restaurant “….. de Sonne.”(//Forgot the name of the restaurant) On our way back from Lucern to Zurich, we were searching for a place to dine as it was getting late. We came across a restaurant named as “…der sonne”, which reminded me of a hotel back at Zurich so I was trying to avoid it, but then we had to go to the same one after failing to find a decent restaurant and also we were hungry. All my thoughts changed after I dined in that restaurant, owned by a Italian-French couple and also did I get a taste of “The Real Italian Food”. Well I had ordered Sphagetti aglio olio and my hubby ordered pasta carbonara, and it was simply awesome..

Well so here this is my version of Sphagetti Aglio Olio reminiscing the taste of the pasta I had back in the restaurant in the town Lucern. Well its very simple and tasty. All you need is sphagetti, olive oil, chilli flakes, garlic cloves, basil leaves and salt to taste. Prepare your pasta by boiling the sphagetti in salt water (lots of salt, as you donot add any more salt while you prepare the pasta), and drain it, rinse with cold water and toss it in olive oil. Now prepare your sauce by placing half cup of olive oil and minced garlic in a pan and heating it together, as this helps the garlic to release its flavour, for about 4 minutes. Now switch off the heat and the add chilli flakes according to your taste, and basil leaves and pour the mixture over the cooked sphagetti and toss it. And your sphagetti Aglio Olio is ready to be served and eaten!!!

My version of yummy Panera MAC & CHEESE!!


Hi guys I’m here again with my version of Panera MAC & CHEESE recipe… I’m a food lover, but I’m quite lazy when it comes to cooking food as I live alone. When I’m with my  husband, I do love to cook for him and experiment new recipes. This recipe is an easy recipe and best for people living alone and are lazy to cook like me. So here we go…
For Panera MAC & CHEESE you will require:
• 2 cups of pasta
• 2 and 1/2 cup whole Milk
• salt to taste
• 1/4 teaspoon mustard sauce                                                                                                           • 1 tablespoon butter                                                                                                                           – 1 cup grated cheddar cheese

Rinse the pasta under cold water. Cook  the pasta halfway in a bowl of saline water (salt water). Now combine milk with the half cooked pasta, salt, mustard sauce and butter, in a saucepan and cook over a medium heat. Stir frequently and bring to a simmer. Reduce the heat to low, stir frequently for 15-20 minutes while the pasta cooks and the milk is absorbed. Now remove from heat, add cheese and stir, cover for 5 minutes. Enjoy immediately. It becomes grainy when reheated.
Do let me know if you tried making it, do comment and post pictures of it. Till then stay happy. Be beautiful, feel beautiful and shine like stars !!

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My version of Barbeque Nation’s CAJUN SPICED POTATO…


Hi guys…. here I’ll be sharing with you all a recipe of Cajun Spiced Potato(CSP) that is served as an appetizer/starter in the famous Indian restaurant chain “Barbeque Nation” which is famous for the lunch and dinner buffets in some major Indian cities like Bangalore.. I love this CSP so much that I frantically searched for its recipe all over the internet. But in vain, so I tried it my own way remembering its taste and it really turned out to be good. So here it goes..
For making Cajun spiced potato you will need:
# baby potatoes
# mayonnaise
# 1 onion
# 1 tomato
# 2-3 green chillies
# chilli flakes
# salt
# 2-3 cloves of garlic
Firstly, take the potatoes with the skin and wash them well. Either pressure cook them or boil them till its tender. Then chop the onions, tomatoes and green chillies into tiny pieces. Crush the garlic. Now take the boiled potatoes with the skin intact in a bowl and crush them, now add the other ingredients, also add 2-3 tablespoon of mayonnaise/eggless mayonnaise, a teaspoon of chilli flakes and a tad bit of salt as per your taste. Mix well and tadaaa your very own bowl of    Cajun Spiced Potato is ready..!

      Its a blessing to have food on your plate, so be thankful to God everytime you sit down to eat. And lastly, be beautiful,  feel beautiful and shine like stars !!!

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